SiDocRe - Installation of release 0.8.2

Step 1: extract files

Download and extract sidocre.0.8.2.tar.gz.

Extract, and in a sub-directory of your Web server public document root directory (refer to your HTTP server documentation, for Apache).

Example: /var/www/sidocre

Extract sidocre.0.8.2.pri.tar.gz, sidocre.0.8.2.pri.theme.00.tar.gz and sidocre.0.8.2.pri.lang.en_US.tar.gz in a private directory of your Web server.

Example: /var/sdrdata

Note: web server daemon must have read and write permissions to the above directories.

Important: SiDocRe works properly only if installed in a sub-directory of the Web server public document directory.

Example: http:/localhost/user.php doesn't work, http://localhost/sdr/user.php works.


Step 2: basic configuration

Create database using simple.sql and sidocre.sql files (refer to MySQL documentation). The first time the user admin, password admin, with administration privilege is also created.

Example: mysql -h localhost -u sidocre -p sidocre < simple.sql; mysql -h localhost -u sidocre -p sidocre < sidocre.sql

Open setup.php page using a Web browser (Web server must be properly configured to execute PHP scripts, refer to PHP documentation, you can find it here: Run the following script: setup.php.

Example: open http://localhost/sidocre/setup.php.

Using setup.php page edit both Configuration parameters and Database access information.

Data path must be the same private directory used at step 1.

Example: Data path = /var/sdrdata.

Note: for security reason, once you get a working document repository, remove setup.php files.


Step 3: link start page

Create a link in your HTML pages to the following file: user.php.

Example: link to http://localhost/sidocre/user.php.


Step 4: installation of additional languages

Download and extract sidocre.0.8.2.lang.xxxx.tar.gz, where xxxx identifies the language.

Example: sidocre.0.8.2.lang.it_IT.tar.gz.

Extract in the same public directory used at step 1.

Extract sidocre.0.8.2.pri.lang.xxxx.tar.gz in the same private directory used at step 1.

Note: remember to adjust files and directories permissions.


Step 5: installation of additional themes

Download and extract sidocre.0.8.2.theme.NN.tar.gz, where NN identifies the theme.

Example: sidocre.0.8.2.theme.01.tar.gz.

Extract in the same public directory used at step 1.

Extract sidocre.0.8.2.pri.theme.NN.tar.gz in the same private directory used at step 1.

Note: remember to adjust files and directories permissions.
